Write an assembly language program to interfacing temperature measurement card with 8086 and program to display the temperature on LCD.
Theory:A thermocouple is an electrical device consisting of two dissimilar electrical conductors forming electrical junctions at differing temperatures. A thermocouple produces a temperature-dependent voltage as a result of the thermoelectric effect, and this voltage can be interpreted to measure temperature.
ApparatusDyna 8086 microprocessor kit and thermocouple controller card.
Address | Opcode | Mnemonics Operand | Comments |
5313 | B2 01 | MOV DL,1 | Move 1 to DL |
5315 | BB E0 4B | MOV BX,4BE0H | Move 4BE0H to BX |
5318 | E8 86 FF | CALL DISP 1 | Call subroutine display |
531B | B0 91 | MOV AL,91H | Move 91H to AL |
531D | E6 67 | OUT CNTL_PORT,AL | Out the content of AL to port CNTL_PORT |
531F | B0 80 | MOV AL,80H | |
5321 | E6 65 | OUT PORT_C,AL | Out the content of AL to port PORT_C |
5323 | B0 00 | START : MOV AL,00H | Clear the accumulator |
5325 | B1 05 | MOV CL,05H | Load the counter with value 05 |
5327 | D2 C0 | ROL AL,CL | Rotate the accumulator value left by CL |
5329 | 24 E0 | AND AL,E0H | Perform logical AND of AL with E0H |
532B | 0C 16 | OR AL,16H | Perform logical OR of AL with 16H |
532D | 8A E0 | MOV AH,AL | Move content of AL to AH |
532F | E6 63 | OUT PORT-B,AL | |
5331 | B9 FF FF | MOV CX,FFFFH | Mask the CX register |
5334 | E8 86 00 | CALL DELAY | Call the subroutine delay |
5337 | 8A C4 | MOV AL,AH | Move Content of AH to AL |
5339 | 0C 01 | OR AL,01H | Perform logical OR of AL with 01H |
533B | 8A F0 | MOV AH,AL | |
533D | E6 63 | OUT PORT_B,AL | Out the content of AL to PORT_B |
533F | B9 FF 0F | MOV CX,0FFFH | Move 0FFFH to CX |
5342 | E8 78 00 | CALL DELAY | Call delay subroutine |
5345 | 8A C4 | MOV AL,AH | |
5347 | 24 FE | AND AL,FEH | Perform logical AND of AL with FEH |
5349 | 8A E0 | MOV AH,AL | |
534B | E6 63 | OUT PORT_B,AL | Out the content of AL to PORT_B |
534D | B9 FF 00 | MOV CX,00FFH | Move 00FFH to CX |
5350 | E8 6A 00 | CALL DELAY | Call delay subroutine |
5353 | E4 65 | UP : IN AL,PORT_C | Get the input from Port C |
5355 | 24 01 | AND AL,01H | |
5357 | 3C 01 | CMP AL,01H | Compare the content of AL with 01H |
5359 | 75 F8 | JNZ UP | If the result is not zero , then jump to UP label |
535B | 8A C4 | MOV AL,AH | Move the content of AH into AL |
535D | 24 FD | AND AL,FDH | |
535F | 8A E0 | MOV AH,AL | |
5361 | E6 63 | OUT PORT_B,AL | Output the content of AL to PORT_B |
5363 | B9 FF 0F | MOV CX,0FFFH | Move 0FFFH to CX |
5366 | E8 54 00 | CALL DELAY | Call delay subroutine |
5369 | E4 61 | IN AL, PORT-A | |
536B | 8A C8 | MOV CL,AL | Perform logical AND of AL with FEH |
536D | E8 55 00 | CALL CHK_SETPT | |
5370 | B5 00 | MOV CH,00H | Out the content of AL to PORT_B |
5372 | BB 00 00 | MOV BX,0000H | Move 00FFH to CX |
5375 | 87 CB | XCHG CX,BX | Call delay subroutine |
5377 | BA 00 00 | MOV DX,0000H | Get the input from Port C |
537A | 8A C7 | UP 1 : MOV AL,BH | |
537C | 0A C3 | OR AL,BL | Compare the content of AL with 01H |
537E | 74 17 | JZ DOWN | If Zero flag is set then start the execution from DOWN |
5380 | 4B | DEC BX | Decrement the content of register pair BC |
5381 | 32 C0 | XOR AL,DL | EXOR of AL and DL |
5383 | 8A C2 | MOV AL,DL | Move DL into AL |
5385 | FE C0 | INC AL | Increase the AL by 1 |
5387 | 27 | DAA | Decimal adjust the value of A |
5388 | 8A D0 | MOV DL,AL | |
538A | 73 EE | JNC UP 1 | Out the content of AL to PORT_B |
538C | 32 C0 | XOR AL,AL | Move 00FFH to CX |
538E | 8A C6 | MOV AL,DH | Call delay subroutine |
5390 | FE C0 | INC AL | Get the input from Port C |
5392 | 27 | DAA | |
5393 | 8A F0 | MOV DH,AL | Compare the content of AL with 01H |
5395 | 73 E3 | JNC UP 1 | If Zero flag is set then start the execution from DOWN |
5397 | E8 1B 00 | DOWN : CALL DIS | Decrement the content of register pair BC |
539A | E8 2A FF | CALL KEYCHK 1 | EXOR of AL and DL |
539D | 3C FF | CMP AL,FFH | Move DL into AL |
539F | 74 04 | JZ DOWN 1 | Increase the AL by 1 |
53A1 | 3C 0F | CMP AL,0FH | Decimal adjust the value of A |
53A3 | 77 0D | JA DOWN 2 | Move 0FFFH to CX |
53A5 | B9 FF FF | DOWN 1 : MOV CX,FFFFH | Call delay subroutine |
53A8 | 90 | UP 2: NOP | |
53A9 | 90 | NOP | Perform logical AND of AL with FEH |
53AA | 90 | NOP | |
53AB | 90 | NOP | Out the content of AL to PORT_B |
53AC | 90 | NOP | Move 00FFH to CX |
53AD | E2 F9 | LOOP UP 2 | Call delay subroutine |
53AF | E9 71 FF | JMP START | Get the input from Port C |
53B2 | E9 1C F9 | DOWN 2: JMP MAIN_MENU | |
Result:Measured Temperature will be display on LCD
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