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Home Engineering Mechanics Production Technology Laboratory To make a square rod from the given round rod
Production Technology Laboratory Lab Experiments

To make a square rod from the given round rod

Conversion of Round to Square


To make a square rod from the given round rod.

Tools Required:

  • Smith's forge
  • Anvil
  • Steel rule
  • Hand Hammer
  • Sledge Hammer
  • Flat Tong
  • Round Tong
  • Flatter


  • The dimension of the given material is checked with steel rule.
  • One half of the rod is heated to red hot condition with smith's forge.
  • Holding the rod with round tong, the rod is placed on the anvil face. The top surface of the rod is then hammered such that two flat faces (at the top and bottom) are formed.
  • The rod is turned through 900 and then faced on the anvil face. The top surface of the rod is then hammered such that the square shape is formed over half of the length of the rod.
  • Follow the above stages for the remaining length of the rod to obtain the square shape.
  • The flat faces of the square shape are corrected if required using the flatter.
  • Finally check the dimensions by using steel rule

Safety Precautions:

  • Observe the work piece for proper heating.
  • Hammering on the work piece should be done in red hot condition only
  • Proper tongs and hammers should be used.
  • Beware of cloths, don't expose them to heat.
  • Don't divert attention while working.



Thus the square shape is made from the given round rod.


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