To study different parts of simple (dissecting) microscope.
Simple (dissecting) microscope, practical notebook, pencil, sharpners, eraser etc.
In structure and function, we can compare the microscope with an human eye. Both have lenses and in both the images of object are formed. Organisms even smaller than 1 mm are studies in the laboratory. Beside this, stained and mounted slides of various types of tissues and cells are studied because these microscopic structure cannot be seen by naked eyes, hence, microscope is used for the observation of such structure. We can see the magnified image of the object with the help of microscope. The power to magnify an object is called magnifying power. The ratio of magnified image and original image is called the magnifying power of the instrument.
The size of magnified image by microscope / The size of the normal image by naked eye
Observe the given instrument carefully and draw the labelled diagram of the instrument on your practical notebook.
The simple dissecting microscope consists of only one convex lens. The simple dissecting microscope consists of the following parts:
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