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Home Engineering Mechanics Industrial Automation Use various functions of SCADA simulation editors to develop simple project
Industrial Automation Lab Experiments

Use various functions of SCADA simulation editors to develop simple project


Use various functions of SCADA simulation editors to develop simple project.

Apparatus Required

Ellipse software


SCADA is an acronym that stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. SCADA refers to a system that collects data from various sensors at a factory, plant or in other remote locations and then sends this data to a central computer which then manages and controls the data.

Definition of SCADA: A collection of equipment that will provide an operator at remote location with enough information to determine the status of a particular piece of a equipment or entire substation and cause actions to take place regarding the equipment or network.

What is SCADA?

How : By collecting Information from plant / Load centre bend reducing it to the EMS.

Where : Control Centre. Both at Plant and Load

Why : To gather Information as here (voltage, current, frequency, power, circuit breaker status) and To perform online actions

Functions of SCADA

The important functions of an SCADA are listed below

  1. Data Acquisition
  2. Information Display
  3. Supervisory Control
  4. Alarm Processing
  5. Information Storage and Reports
  6. Sequence of Event Acquisition
  7. Data Calculation
  8. Special RTU Processing/Control

Typical SCADA system:


Components of SCADA:



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