To study and draw the characteristics of half wave and full wave rectifiers.
Power supply, rectifier kit, CRO, Connecting leads.
Brief Theory:Rectification is a process of conversion of AC to DC. In half-wave rectifier, only one diode is used. During +ve half cycle the diode is forward biased & it conducts current through the load resistor R .During –ve half cycle diode is reverse biased Hence, no current flow through the circuit. Only +ve half cycle appears across the load, whereas, the –ve half cycle is suppressed.
Full Wave Rectifier:In full-wave rectifier, when a.c supplied at the input, both the half cycle current flows through the load in the same direction. The following two circuits are commonly employed.
Centre-tap full-wave Rectifier: In this rectifier, two diode & a center-tap transformer is used. During +ve half cycle the diode D1 is forward biased & D2 is reverse biased. Output will be obtained across load resistor R .During –ve half cycle diode D1 is reverse biased &D2 is forward biased. Output will be obtained cross load resistor R & the direction of output is same i.e., DC output is obtained.
Bridge Rectifier:The circuit Contains four diodes connected to form a bridge. In this an ordinary transformer is used. During +ve half cycle of secondary voltage, diodes D1 & D3 are forward Biased & diodes D2& D4 are reverse biased & vice versa.
Circuit Diagram:
S.No. | Rectifiers | Input(V) | Out Put(V) |
1 | Half Wave | ||
2 | Center Tap Full wave | ||
3 | Bridge Full Wave (FW) |
Q.No. | Question | Answers |
1 | Define Full wave rectifier? | In both the half cycles current flows through the load in the same direction. | 2 | Which are different types of Full Wave rectifier? | Different types of full wave rectifier are Centre-Tap full wave rectifier & Bridge rectifier | 3 | How many no. of diodes are used in full wave rectifier? | 4 No. of diodes are used for Bridge rectifier. | 4 | Give disadvantage of centre-Tap full wave rectifier? | Necessity of transformer with secondary winding. | 5 | Write ripple factor for FW rectifier? | The ripple factor for Full wave rectifier is 0.48. | 6 | What is the efficiency of FW rectifier? | Efficiency of full wave rectifier is 81.2% | 7 | Write advantages of bridge rectifier? | Suitable for high-voltage applications. | 8 | Write one feature of Full wave rectifier? | The current drawn in both the primary & secondary of the supply transformer is Sinusoidal. | 9 | Define Transformer Utilization Factor? | Transformer Utilization Factor (TUF) is the ratio of d.c power to be delivered to the load to the a.c rating of the Transformer secondary. | 10 | Write value for DC current? | DC current is Idc= Im / П. |
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