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Home Electrical and Electronics Analog Electronics To study and draw the characteristics of half wave and full wave rectifiers
Analog Electronics Lab Experiments

To study and draw the characteristics of half wave and full wave rectifiers


To study and draw the characteristics of half wave and full wave rectifiers.

Apparatus Required:

Power supply, rectifier kit, CRO, Connecting leads.

Brief Theory:Rectification is a process of conversion of AC to DC. In half-wave rectifier, only one diode is used. During +ve half cycle the diode is forward biased & it conducts current through the load resistor R .During –ve half cycle diode is reverse biased Hence, no current flow through the circuit. Only +ve half cycle appears across the load, whereas, the –ve half cycle is suppressed.

Full Wave Rectifier:In full-wave rectifier, when a.c supplied at the input, both the half cycle current flows through the load in the same direction. The following two circuits are commonly employed.

Centre-tap full-wave Rectifier: In this rectifier, two diode & a center-tap transformer is used. During +ve half cycle the diode D1 is forward biased & D2 is reverse biased. Output will be obtained across load resistor R .During –ve half cycle diode D1 is reverse biased &D2 is forward biased. Output will be obtained cross load resistor R & the direction of output is same i.e., DC output is obtained.

Bridge Rectifier:The circuit Contains four diodes connected to form a bridge. In this an ordinary transformer is used. During +ve half cycle of secondary voltage, diodes D1 & D3 are forward Biased & diodes D2& D4 are reverse biased & vice versa.

Circuit Diagram:



  1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram
  2. The output is noted down on CRO.
  3. Graph is drawn by noting down peak to peak amplitude of input and output voltage


  1. Connections should be tight
  2. Handle the equipments with care

Observation Table:

S.No. Rectifiers Input(V) Out Put(V)
1 Half Wave
2 Center Tap Full wave
3 Bridge Full Wave (FW)


Q.No. Question Answers
1 Define Full wave rectifier? In both the half cycles current flows through the load in the same direction.
2 Which are different types of Full Wave rectifier? Different types of full wave rectifier are Centre-Tap full wave rectifier & Bridge rectifier
3 How many no. of diodes are used in full wave rectifier? 4 No. of diodes are used for Bridge rectifier.
4 Give disadvantage of centre-Tap full wave rectifier? Necessity of transformer with secondary winding.
5 Write ripple factor for FW rectifier? The ripple factor for Full wave rectifier is 0.48.
6 What is the efficiency of FW rectifier? Efficiency of full wave rectifier is 81.2%
7 Write advantages of bridge rectifier? Suitable for high-voltage applications.
8 Write one feature of Full wave rectifier? The current drawn in both the primary & secondary of the supply transformer is Sinusoidal.
9 Define Transformer Utilization Factor? Transformer Utilization Factor (TUF) is the ratio of d.c power to be delivered to the load to the a.c rating of the Transformer secondary.
10 Write value for DC current? DC current is Idc= Im / П.


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