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Home Engineering Mechanics Machine Drawing Lab Drafting of cotter joint with sleeve
Machine Drawing Lab Lab Experiments

Drafting of cotter joint with sleeve

Drafting of cotter joint with sleeve



To draft a cotter joint with sleeve by using software auto cad 2016

Software used:

Auto cad 2016

Commands used:

Draw commands:Line, Rectangle, Poly line, Polygon, Circle, Construction line, Arc, Spline, Ray, Hatch.

Modify commands:Erase,Copy,Mirror,Array,Move,Rotate,Trim,Extend,Stretch,Fillet,Join, Chamfer.

Dimension command:

  • Radius dimension
  • Linear dimension
  • Diameter dimension
  • Angular dimension


  1. Specify units by using units command unit change the insertsents by given and click on OK button
  2. Now you have to specify drawing size using LI enter command First enter 0, 0 and enter 420,297 and click enter
  3. Reset model space limits
  4. Specify lower left corner or [on/off] <0, 0>0, 0
  5. Specify upper right corner <12, 9> 420,297 Refit the screen by using zoom command
  6. Draw the required cotter joint with sleeve by taking suitable dimensions
  7. Draw the required left hand side of cotter joint draw the cotter portion by using rectangle command
  8. Remove the sharp edges bu chamfer command
  9. Draw the shaft by using rectangle command and draw the sleeve by using rectangle command
  10. Draw arc for the sleeve by using arc command
  11. Click hatch command angle 45 degrees line to line distance 2mm
  12. Select the left hand portion of the cotter joint and click mirror command and select the axis point which we want and click enter
  13. Give dimensions to cotter joint and change required dimension style


The required cotter joint is drafted in software AutoCAD 2016


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