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Home Civil Engineering Transportation Engineering Marshall Stability Test of Bituminous Mix Experiment
Transportation Engineering Lab Experiments

Marshall Stability Test of Bituminous Mix Experiment


To determine the Marshall stability and flow of bitumen mix.

IS Standards used:ASTM D6927

Need and Scope:The original Marshall method is applicable only to hot-mix asphalt paving mixtures containing aggregates with maximum sizes of 25 mm or less. This method covers the measurement of the resistance to plastic flow of cylindrical specimens of bituminous paving mixture loaded on the lateral surface by means of the Marshall apparatus.

Apparatus Required:

  1. Specimen mould assembly
  2. Specimen extractor
  3. Compaction hammer
  4. Compaction pedestal
  5. Breaking head
  6. Loading machine
  7. Flow meter
  8. Oven or hot plates
  9. Mixing apparatus
  10. Thermostatically control water bath
  11. Thermometers of range 0-360°C with 1°C sensitivity

Experimental procedure:

In the Marshall method each compacted test specimen is subjected to the following tests and analysed in the order listed below

  1. Bulk density determination
  2. Stability and flow test
  3. Density and voids analysis

Preparation of test specimens:The coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and the filler material should be proportioned and mixed in such a way that final mix after blending has the gradation with in the specified range. The aggregates and the filler are mixed together in the desired proportion as per the design requirements and fulfilling the specified gradation. The required quantity of the mix is taken so as to produce a compacted bituminous mix specimen of thickness 63.5 mm, approximately.

Preparation of mixtures:Weigh into separate pans for each test specimen the amount of each size fraction required to produce a batch that will result in a compacted specimen 63.5 +/- 1.27mm (2.5 +/- 0.05 in.) in height. This will normally be about 1200 gm. It is generally to prepare a trial specimen prior to preparing the aggregate batches. If the trial specimen height falls outside the limits, the amount of aggregate used for the specimen may be adjusted using:

Sieve Size (mm) Range of Percentage passing by weight % Weight of Aggregates Weight of Aggregates (gm)
20 100
12.5 80-100
10 70-90
4.75 50-70
2.36 35-50
0.600 18-29
0.300 13-23
0.150 8-16
0.075 4-10
Binder content by weight of mix

The Marshall stability was found to be: kN

The flow of the mix was found to be: mm

General Remarks:

Viva Questions:

  1. What are two major features of the Marshall method of mix design?
  2. What is the significance of stability and flow value in Marshall test?
  3. How is the optimum bitumen content determined


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