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Electrical Lab Experiments

To plot the transistor (BJT) characteristics of CE configuration.


To plot the transistor (BJT) characteristics of CE configuration.

Apparatus Required:

S.No. Name Range Quantity
1 R.P.S (0-30)V 2
2 Ammeter (0-30)mA MC, (0-250)μA MC 1, 1
3 Voltmeter (0-30)V MC, (0-1)V MC 1, 1

Components Required:

S.No. Name Range Quantity
1 Transistor BC 107 1
2 Resistor 10KΩ, 1KΩ 1, 1
3 Bread Board - 1
4 Wires


A BJT is a three terminal two - junction semiconductor device in which the conduction is due to both the charge carrier. Hence it is a bipolar device. BJT is classified into two types - NPN & PNP. A NPN transistor consists of two N types in between which a layer of P is sandwiched. The transistor consists of three terminal emitter, collector and base. The emitter layer is the source of the charge carriers and it is heavily doped with a moderate cross sectional area. The collector collects the charge carries and hence moderate doping and large cross sectional area. The base region acts a path for the movement of the charge carriers. In order to reduce the recombination of holes and electrons the base region is lightly doped and is of hollow cross sectional area. Normally the transistor operates with the EB (emitter-base) junction forward biased.


Input Characteristics

  1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram.
  2. Set VCe, vary V Bein regular interval of steps and note down the corresponding I B reading. Repeat the above procedure for different values of V CE
  3. Plot the graph: V BE V S I B for a constant VCE.

Output Characteristics

  1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram.
  2. Set I B, Vary V CE in regular interval of steps and note down the corresponding I C reading. Repeat the above procedure for different values of I B
  3. Plot the graph: V CE V S I C for a constant I B

Pin Diagram

Pin Diagram

Specification: BC107/50V/0.1A,0.3W,300 MH

Circuit Diagram

Circuit Diagram

Model Graph

Input Characteristics

Input Characteristics

Output Characteristics

Output Characteristics

Tabular Column

Input Characteristics

V CE= 0 V V CE=2V
VBE (V) IB(μA) VBE (V) IB(μA)

Output Characteristics

VB=20μA VB=40μA



Post Lab Questions

  1. What is Punch through voltage?
  2. What is early effect?
  3. What is leakage current and mention its range?
  4. What is base - width modulation?


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