S.No. | Name Of The Equipment | Range | Type | Quantity |
1 | Voltmeter | (0-20)V | Digital | 1 NO |
2 | Ammeter | (0-20)mA | Digital | 1 NO |
3 | RPS | 0-30V | Digital | 1 NO |
4 | Resistors | 10K Ω,1K Ω | 1 NO | |
5 | Resistors | 2.2Ω | 1 NO | |
6 | Resistors | 330 Ω | 1 NO | |
7 | Breadboard | - | - | 1 NO |
8 | DMM | - | - | 1 NO |
9 | Connecting wires | - | - | Required number |
It states that in any lumped, linear network having more number of sources and elements the equivalent circuit across any branch can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of Theremin's equivalent voltage source Vth in series with Theremin's equivalent resistance Rth. Where Vth is the open circuit voltage across (branch) the two terminals and Rth is the resistance seen from the same two terminals by replacing all other sources with internal resistances.
Thevenin's theorem: The values of VTh and RTh are determined as mentioned in thevenin's theorem. Once the thevenin equivalent circuit is obtained, then current through any load resistance RL connected across AB is given by, I =VTH / RTH + RL
Thevenin's theorem is applied to d.c. circuits as stated below. Any network having terminals A and B can be replaced by a single source of e.m.f. Vim, in series with a source resistance RTh
(i) The e.m.f the voltage obtained across the terminals A and B with load, if any removed i.e., it is open circuited voltage between terminals A and B.
(ii) The resistance RTh is the resistance of the network measured between the terminals A and B with load removed and sources of e.m.f replaced by their internal resistances. Ideal voltage sources are replaced with short circuits and ideal current sources are replaced with open circuits.
To find Wit the load resistor `RL' is disconnected, then VTh = [V / (R1 + R2)] x R3
To find RTH, RTH = R2 + (R1 x R3 / R1+ R3)
Thevenins Theorem is also called as Helmoltz Theorem.
Tabular results for Thevenin's theorem:
Theoritical Values | Practical Values |
Vth = | Vth = |
Rth = | Rth = |
IL = | IL = |
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