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Home Electrical and Electronics Microprocessor & Interfacing To generate Triangular waveform using 8085 Microprocessor.
Microprocessor & Interfacing Lab Experiments

To generate Triangular waveform using 8085 Microprocessor.


To generate Triangular waveform using 8085 Microprocessor.

Code for display the message “Program for triangular wave generation”

DYNA85LU> E C050 [Press Enter]

C080 0D 0A 50 52 4F 47 52 41 4D 20 46 4F 52 20 44 41

C090 43 0D 0A 54 52 49 41 4E 47 55 4C 41 52 20 57 41

C0A0 56 45 20 47 45 4E 45 52 41 54 4F 52 00

[Press Enter]

Procudure:There is a 26 pin connector J3. All the lines of 8255 PIO are brought out on this connector.

The PIO cards are interfaced through 26 pin FRC flat cable.

Connect the PIO card to DYNA -85L (J3) through 26 pin FRC flat cable as shown below:


The program for all the PIO cards are given in an EPROM (2732) labeled PIO-MON. Place EPROM in socket U3 of DYNA_85L kit. Do the appropriate jumper setting for 2732 EPROM (Check DYNA-85L Manual for details).

The Program can be entered in two ways:

Copy the program from the specified RAM location as: DYNA-85> C 4E00 4EFF C000 Enter

Enter the program given as below:

Run the program from C020.

Program:DYNA85LU> A C020 [Press Enter]

Address Opcode Label Mnemonics Remark
C020 21 80 C0 LXI H, C080 Load Message in HL
C023 CD 44 18 CALL 1844 Call display subroutine
C026 3E 89 MVI A,89h 8255 mode set
C028 D3 13 Out 13 Mode 0
C02A 3E 01 MVI A,00 Initialize A by 0
C02C D3 11 OUT 11 Move the value to 8255
C02E 3E 00 MVI A, 00 Clear ACC.
C030 3C Up: INR A Increment step counter Up to FF
C031 D3 10 Out 10 Increment step counter Up to FF
C033 FE FF CPI FF Increment step counter Up to FF
C035 C2 30 C0 JNZ Up Increment step counter Up to FF
C038 3D Next: DCR A Decrement Step Counter
C039 D3 10 OUT 10 From FFH to 00H
C03B FE 00 CPI 00 From FFH to 00H
C03D C2 38 C0 JNZ Next From FFH to 00H
C040 C3 30 C0 JMP Up Do again
C043 RST1 Hold the program
Press Enter Key
DYNA85LU> G C000 [Press Enter Key]



Calculation:- One Wave Cycle-


Time Period:

Result:The Triangular Waveform was generated and viewed in the CRO as:


Viva Questions:

  1. What are the internal devices of 8255?
  2. What is a programmable peripheral device?
  3. What are the information that can be obtained from the status word of 8255?
  4. What is stepper motor?
  5. What are the different modes of operation of stepper motor?

8086 Based ProgramsSteps to Insert and Execute a program in M86-02 Dynalog Trainer kit

There are three major types of data transfer between the microcomputer and art I/O device. They are,


  1. Power on the trainer
  2. A message display on the display “[ M86-02]”
  3. Now first press “Reset” button then “enter” key.
  4. The menu display “> A. D. F. G. I. M. P. T. U.”
  5. This kit is working in two modes “ASSEMBLE MODE AND DESSEMBLE MODE” for assemble mode press “A” then starting add. Of the program then “ENTER” starting address of your program, by default Ram starting address start from “0400H”.
  6. Now enter UP TO END of the program. Your program and press “ENTER” and the memory location automatically increment.
  7. To now to execute program examine result observe the memory locations where data is manipulated. Press “D” address out data location and press “enter” data is displayed.
  8. If we want to write the program through opcode
  9. Just enter “D”then starting address of program and after that press “ENTER” key from keyboard up to end address of the programmed and also give the input data add. of the program.
  10. A Press “GO” from keyboard then starting add. Of the program is 400 then enter key.
  11. Now to execute program examine result observe the memory locations where data is manipulated. Press “D” address out data location and press “enter” data is displayed.


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