Write an assembly language program to find whether the number is even or odd.
Apparatus:8085 microprocessor kit.
Address | Opcode | Label | Mnemonic | Operand | Comments |
C000 | LDA | C0B0 | Move the number from memory location C0B1 to accumulator | ||
C003 | ANI | 01 | Perform logical ANDING operation of number with 01 | ||
C004 | 88 | ADD | B | Addition of Data1 (A) + Data2 (B). Result is saved in accumulator A. | |
C005 | JN | COOD | Jump to location C00D if ZF = 1 i.e. number is Even | ||
C008 | MVI | A,0D | Move „0D‟ in A | ||
C00A | JNZ | COOF | Jump to location C00F if ZF = 1 i.e. number is ODD | ||
C00D | MVI | A,0E | Move „0E‟ in A | ||
C00F | STA | COB1 | Store the contents of A at location C0B1 | ||
C010 | HLT | RST1 | Store the contents of A at location C0B1 |
Result:Check the contents of accumulator, if A = 0D then the given number is odd and if A=0E it is even.
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